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What we do for our clients

Weekly advertisement in print

Display Ad

Classified Ad

Weekly on-line issue & archive

Display Ad

Classified Ad

Weekly Social Media updates

Display Ad

Newspaper website syndication

iPhone/Android News Feed

Coupons and Sale info

Coupons in print

Newspaper website syndication

iPhone/Android News Feed

Colorado News

Column in paper

WordPress Blog

SubscribeRu Blog

Newspaper website syndication

iPhone/Android News Feed

Classified Ads

Printed newspaper

WordPress Blog

SubscribeRu Blog

Newspaper website syndication

iPhone/Android News Feed

Promoting publications


Business Review

Promoting Articles

Educating Columns

Thank You letters



Crosswords with promoting content

Pools and Research Reports

Internet Radio

Podcasts "Большое ухо"

Phone podcasting

Main website syndication

Social media syndication

Outside advertisement

Flyers and Inserts

Posters on Russian Stores

Posters at Community events

Ads on event tickets

Digital Ad Display

At grocery stores ad exposure

Digital Phone Directory


iPhone/Android Syndication

Social Networking

Connecting clients to each other

Introducing mutual benefits

Graphic Design



Business Cards

Translation Service

Document translation

Advertisement translation

Initial business-client interaction & communication support

Cultural Diversity Consultation

Notary Public Service


Consulting on best community related marketing strategies

Consulting and strategic planning on "WOC"

For display (printed)

ads we offer 4 base


FPAD: 1/1 page 9.5" x 13.1"

HPAD: 1/2 page 9.5" x 6.4"

QPAD: 1/4 page 4.6" x 6.4"

EPAD: 1/8 page 4.6" x 3.1"

Cover page placements usually are not

available. You may submit requests for

entering a waiting list.

For all inquires call 720-436-7613

Horizon Media Group, LLC

© Gorizont American-Russian Publication &Horizon Media Group

Media Kit and Rates

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